Friday, December 19, 2008

How To Find The Best Small Breeding Dog

Writen by Ann Born

A small breeding dog is the perfect pet for all of us who live in little cubbyhole-like apartments. Larger dogs, when stuffed into such flats, usually spend their time galloping from one end of the flat to the other in less time than you can say Indiana Jones and, with time, come to dolefully detest their utter existence. So don't bother with Retrievers and Grey Hounds, let them laze in lush green lawns of farmhouses that are ideal for them. Instead get a dear little Chihahua or a Daschund. Most small breeding dogs don't measure any more than 10 inches in height. Due to their portable size, they are…well…portable for starters..and can also adapt to smaller living quarters more comfortably.

However, before you jump the gun and run to the nearest pet store to buy one for yourself, you had better sit down and do some research about small dogs. Not all small breeds are suitable for everybody. Many of them are what are called 'Toy dogs' and they are not the right kind of dog for everyone. Also, take into account the other people in your home before deciding on the kind of small dog that you are going to get. If you have children, take the time to select the breed will be the most suitable. Some small breeds do not get along well with children and many are too fragile for rough play with children. Small dogs can often require more care and attention than larger ones, too.

Another very important point to keep in mind when considering whether or not to get a small dog is that their food requirements are minimal. Most of them eat hardly anything compared to the mountain of food you have to give bigger dogs. And while that sounds like a good deal it is also a point of concern. This is because, despite their low consumption of food, their nutritional requirements are by no means less than other varieties of dogs. So a lot of attention needs to be paid to what they eat and how much they eat. Your level of attention will quite literally strongly affect your small dog's health and development.

Finally, here is a brief list of some of the dogs acknowledged by the American Kennel Club as Small Dogs.

Maltese (belonging to the toy group).
Manchester Terrier (belonging to the terrier group).
Miniature Bull Terrier or Mini Bull (belonging to the terrier group).
Miniature Pinscher (belonging to the toy group).
Miniature Schnauzer (belonging to the terrier group).
Harrier (belonging to the hound group).
Havanese (belonging to the toy group).

To that, we add a few more breeds you might want to consider:

· Scottish Terrier
· Yorkshire Terrier
· Pug
· Chihuahua
· Poodle
· Dachshund
· Pekingese
· Shih-Tzu
· Welsh Corgi
. Toy Poodle

Get all of your dog information at

Copyright 2006 @ Ann Born No part of this article may be reproduced in any manner without including the author's bio.

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