Friday, January 30, 2009

Small Dog Clothing

Writen by Grant Carroll

Small dogs are wonderful companions, and they look adorable all dressed up. Due to their less than large stature, many of them need some clothes to keep from shivering to death, however, buying small dogs a wardrobe has become an issue of fashion and pampering. Clothing the small dog is all about assessing their needs and then their style.

What kind of clothing does my little baby need? That's the question on the mind of every doggie parent as they begin shopping. The answer depends of the weather. If it's winter, then they need coats and sweaters to stay warm during outside walks. Also, many dogs are still cold even indoors, so it's a good idea to have an "around the house" sweater. When the warm spring and summer roll around, they can go "naked", but it's still good to get some shirts. Many short haired breeds like Chihuahuas and Min Pins get cold indoors from the air conditioning, so a shirt or light sweater can come in handy. While the outdoors is very warm, a shirt will protect a dog from sunburn. All you have to do is put sun block where there's bare skin. Since skin cancer is the most common cancer among dogs, this is a very important step in prevention.

You can give your little one style by expressing their personality through clothing. One easy and fun way to do this is through message shirts. You've probably seen them in stores or online with messages varying from "I'm cute" to "spank me". There is a huge variety of these shirts available, so enjoy looking around for what best represents your little spunky one. If message shirts are not your thing, then perhaps canine couture is the way to go. Canine couture has been gaining popularity and is now a booming business. People can buy high fashion dog clothes right off runway. The problem is, however, that these fashions often cost much more than the average dog parent is prepared to pay. Still, these fancy styles are quite catching and are made of the best quality, just be sure not to pay too much. Following all of these suggestions can make clothing your small dog a fun and easy experience.

Grant Carroll proud father of three dogs and co-owner of with Dog Clothes and Small Dog Sweaters. Also visit Elizabeth Austin for Wholesale Dog Clothes and Wholesale Pet Supplies

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