Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Simple Secret For Horse Owners

Writen by Leslie Moore

All you need to get going is 1 Simple Secret that gets you started towards achieving your goals with your horse and in your life…

Here is the first question I want to ask all Horse Owners – Can you actually see in your mind what you want?

Too many horse owners just can't see it…

Do you see what happens to a horse owner when they don't know what they want? You also wonder where they see the plans they have with their horse? Who is there that can lead them forward if they can't see where they want to go?

As a horse owner I have found that secret!!

If you knew a very, very simple secret would you use it? I just bet you would…

Here it is! ..See your picture of what you want to achieve with your horse.

You must be able to see your very own picture of success with your horse.

You need to know what your life looks like to you. How else do you know what you want or if in fact you actually get to where you want to go???? How will you know when you get there?

We all do it – consciously and sub consciously – we visualise, we create that picture in our minds. Anything you have ever really wanted you could actually see it clearly in your mind, before you got it. That's what drove you to getting it. Part of knowing what you want is being able to see what you want. You see yourself winning the blue ribbon, completing successfully the dressage test or the course of jumps. You see yourself having the Vet say you passed the final exam at the endurance ride. You see your success!

If you can't see it, you can't reach for it….its so, so important to create that picture of success. Sit there quietly, close your eyes and look for it. Create it if you haven't already.

Everything that you do is a product of what you see – like it or not. If you don't see it you will be flat, without purpose and scattered. When the going gets a bit tough as it surely will at times, search your mind for your very own success picture and keep it in focus. It's a great pick-me-up. But more than that – you have something to reach for. If your picture is somewhat blurred – tidy it up, make it smart and desirable.

Ask any successful horse owner to tell you about their PICTURE, and they can and will tell you.

This is called VISION – this is the very first step on your pathway to success with your horse.

1 Simple Secret - Make your picture a beautiful one.

Enjoy your Horse, Leslie

About the author: Leslie Moore, a life coach and an equestrian expert with more than 40 years experience has helped many horse owners with practical advice to the commonsense day to day issues they face. For more information go to: so you to can experience a balanced and fulfilling life with your horse. Leslie helps people in all areas of their life so they may have happiness. Success coaching works!

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