Monday, September 1, 2008

Is A Ferret The Right Pet For Me

Writen by Matthew Humphries

1. Are ferrets legal where I live? Believe it or not, there are a number of places within the U.S. that it is illegal to own a ferret. Better yet, places where it is legal to sell them, but illegal to own them. After you've gotten past this last perplexity, be sure to research the legality for you to own ferrets. Be thorough, as an example, New York state allows ferrets to be kept as pets, New York City on the other hand doesn't!

2. Will my ferret be allowed out of the cage for exercise? Ferrets require a minimum (too low in our opinion) of one hour outside the cage time daily. Ferrets do tend to sleep, and for long periods of time (up to 18 hours daily at times), however they do require as much exercise and attention as possible while you are home to supervise them. Be sure you can dedicate time each day to play with and watch your ferret outside the cage. It will provide your ferret with the exercise and attention they need, also helping to avoid behavioral problems that could arise with a lack of stimulation.

3. Can I afford the expense of owning a ferret? Being a ferret parent, you need to look at the dollars and cents one way. Any pet is an investment, with a brunt of the expenses occurring during your initial start-up period. Throughout the year you should save so when it's time for a check-up you have around $100 to pay for the veterinarian bills, boosters and all! Also, food, treat's, toy's, and cage accessories such as hammocks or bowls will need to be taken account of as well. The latter is dependent mainly on the food you choose, as the other products are extremely affordable as well as durable.

4. Is my apartment ferret-proof? Ferrets are crafty, inquisitive, sometimes to a fault. Areas which you feel are not an issue for most pets, can become hazards for ferrets. Ferrets love to climb and explore. You need to be sure any open holes are sealed, as well as counter-tops clear of any possible dangers. It's rare, but some ferrets have been known to chew on wires as well. Keeping these and many other dangers away from your ferret can be solved by using some common sense and knowing about a ferrets ability to climb, crawl, or jump into trouble. This is why we generally feel a Ferret Room in your home is best. This way, you are only ferret proofing one room. As your knowledge of ferrets grow, you could attempt to do the same for other rooms. Remember, it's best to supervise your ferret at all times while they are out of their cage.

5. Will a ferret get along with my other pets or my children? Children should always be supervised with your ferret to make sure that it gets handled properly. As for pets, it really depends. Some dogs and cats live well with their ferret friends, while others display aggressive or other unwanted behavior when your ferret is around. It is important to note however that other small pets or birds should really be avoided if you'd like or already own ferrets. Small pets like mice or birds may be considered prey due to your ferret's carnivorous nature, which unfortunately can lead to deadly results. Use your judgment when determining if adding pets or a ferret is right for your household.

Matthew Humphries -

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