Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pet Odor Problems An Effective And Attractive Solution

Writen by Jemetha Clark

Battling with pet odors is a common problem for pet owners. Whether it is the lingering smell of a litter box or a canine in need of a bath, our pets definitely add to the complex menagerie of household odors. Getting rid of pet odors is an ongoing challenge but before you move Fluffy or Fido outside here is another solution to the problem: a catalytic fragrance lamp.

Catalytic fragrance lamps are decorative home accents that are effective at getting rid of various odors, including pet odor. The term fragrance lamp is actually a bit misleading. The catalytic technology behind the lamps was developed as a means of purifying the air in hospitals and mortuaries. The fragrance component is a relatively recent addition. Today's catalytic lamps can be used with or without fragrance but still provide the same air-purifying result.

How They Work

Catalytic lamps work differently than a regular oil lamp. They use a special wick with a ceramic stone burner attached to the top and do not require a constant burning flame to operate. After heating the burner for a few minutes the flame is extinguished and the burner continues to feed off of the alcohol based fuel through the wick. The heat generated from the ceramic stone causes the perfume to be released into the air. The catalytic combustion of the alcohol creates ozone which interacts with impurities to reduce bacteria and odors. Research has shown that burning a lamp for about 45 minutes can reduce micro-organisms by 69% or more. Bacterial reducing benefits continue for several hours thereafter.

Stylish and Convenient

Catalytic fragrance lamps come in a wide variety of styles, from traditional to contemporary, suitable for any type of home décor. Styles include hand blown glass, ceramic, crystal, and metal fragrance lamps. Perfumed lamp fuel is available in various aroma blends – floral, spicy, woody, forest-like, and herbal – but the lamp can also be used with an odor-free neutralizer that simply gets rid of odors and bacteria. And, the whole process is quiet and unobtrusive, no humming noises or strong smelling cleaners. Simply start the lamp and no one will ever know that the attractive crystal object on your table is the solution to your pet odor problems.

Jemetha Clark

medical health hospital

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